Medical Professional Solutions

Here at Aether Financial Group, we understand the financial challenges of being in the health care industry. Our professionals are prepared to work with you every step of the way, from residency until retirement. Our team focuses on the financial concerns of medical providers of all specialties. No matter your specialty and no matter what challenges you face, we are here to assist you.

Many years of education and residency, long hours, and stressful days can all take a toll on your financial situation. It is our goal to help you develop a financial strategy so that you can devote your time and energy to what matters: your patients. Gaining an understanding of your goals, values, and circumstances is only the beginning. Once we develop an understanding of who you are, and your objectives, we will customize a strategy that meets your needs.

Collaborating with us helps to provide assurance that your financial goals are on track in your sometimes hectic career. From student loans to asset protection, taxes to retirement, and debt to insurance, we have the knowledge and resources to provide the assistance you need. Our team knows how the finances of health care providers can differ from those of other professionals, and we’re committed to tailoring your financial strategy specifically to you and your career.

Debt Management

You would not be where you are today if it were not for hard work and years of education. Unfortunately, your education probably came at a high price, in the form of student loans. We want to help you address your obligations in such a way that paying them off becomes a reality. Our financial strategies will help meet your objectives so that your career, not your debt, can be the center of your focus.

Disability Insurance

If your family’s main provider is no longer able to work due to illness or injury, disability insurance protects your income so that your family still has a source of stability. Our agents can help you protect your current lifestyle and long-term goals. In addition to medical expenses, income is usually reduced or even terminated at the onset of an illness or injury. As the main provider for your family, you should strongly consider disability insurance if your spouse does not believe he or she could maintain financial stability with only one income.

Individual disability insurance is available through one or more carries not affiliated with New York Life Insurance Company, depending on carrier authorization and product availability in your state or locality.

Asset Protection

Unexpected adverse events can happen at any time. Permanent life insurance provides death benefit protection, creditor protection in certain states, the ability to accumulate cash value and safeguard the transfer of policy proceeds to your beneficiaries such as your children and grandchildren. We can help you figure out which course of action is right for your specific situation and objectives.

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is crucial for physicians or other health care providers in order for them to stay on track and retire on time. Many careers only require 4–6 years of education, but the medical field requires so much more of an investment. While others can begin saving for retirement within years of graduating high school, individuals in the medical field can fall behind without proper planning. Our job is to help you address your finances in such a way that retiring on time is made possible.

Education Planning

Planning for the education of your children can be overwhelming, especially when you have just finished paying off student loans of your own. Our team of professionals is prepared to work with you to take into account factors such as tuition growth, risks involved, taxes, and more, to create a plan best suited to the needs of both you and your children. Talk to us about education funding today.

We do not provide tax advice. Please consult your own advisors for tax advice.

Estate Planning

A well-engineered estate conservation plan can help minimize tax liability and ensure that loved ones are protected. We will work with you and your advisors to assess the impact of state and federal taxes on your estate and suggest strategies to help minimize those taxes while meeting your family’s needs. We do not provide tax advice. Please consult with your own advisors for tax advice.

We do not provide tax advice. Please consult your own advisors for tax advice.